Friday 5 January 2024

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Unshrink Clothes

How to Unshrink Clothes Cleanzen Infographic


Ever pulled your favorite sweater or pair of jeans out of the dryer only to realize that it shrunk down a size or two? As common as this is, shrunken garment is pretty annoying. If you’re wondering why clothes shrink in the laundry, how you can prevent it from happening in the first place, and most importantly, how to unshrink clothing in the worst-case scenario then you’re in the right place.


Next time your favorite piece of clothing has come out of the laundry a bit smaller in size, don’t panic! Here a quick guide on how to unshrink  fibers in your clothes. Browse our simple tips that may save your clothing, restore it back to regular size, and keep your spirits soaring.


Why Do Clothes Shrink in the Laundry?


How to Unshrink Clothes Cleanzen Image of a Young Woman with Clean Laundry At Home


A lot of different factors can unfortunately cause clothes to shrink in the laundry. Fabric type plays a big role in how a garment retains its size. For example, cotton, linen, and other natural fibers are prone to shrinkage because they quickly absorb moisture.


Washing natural fabrics and materials like cashmere and wool too vigorously can tighten the fibers in the garment and cause it to shrink. Additionally, agitation and high temperatures in the washing and drying cycles can cause clothes to shrink. Unless you need to remove stubborn stains from your clothes, set your washer to a lower temperature setting or according to the label.


Is it Possible to Unshrink Clothes?


It is possible to unshrink most clothes and garments. In most scenarios, all you need is a container full of warm water with a capful of liquid detergent or mild shampoo. Next, make sure to add in your clothes and stir them into the solution until they are completely soaked. Gently wring out the clothing to expel excess liquid and gently stretch the clothing back to its original size. Check our step-by-step guide for more detailed instructions.


How to Unshrink Your Clothes


How to Unshrink Clothes Cleanzen Image of Two Women Worried About Shrunk Sweater At Laundromat


  • Use lukewarm water and gentle shampoo or soap. Fill a sink or tub with lukewarm water and a capful of baby shampoo or hair conditioner. You may also try using the same amount of laundry detergent formulated for delicate cycles.
  • Soak for up to 30 minutes. This is when the fibers will begin to loosen.
  • Gently remove water from the clothing. When time is up, tug and gently squeeze excess water from the clothing, but do not rinse the items.
  • Lay the clothing on a flat bath towel. Roll up the towel, with the clothing inside, squeezing gently to release more water until the clothing is damp rather than wet.
  • Lay the clothing on another dry flat towel. As you position it on the towel, gently tug, relax the fibers and stretch the garment back to their original size.
  • Lastly, allow it to air dry.


Is There a Product to Unshrink Clothes?How to Unshrink Clothes Cleanzen Image a Bottle of Unshrinkit Solution

There are a few products you can use to help in the unshrinking process, but if you’re looking for a specifically formulated product we’ve got you covered. Unshrinkit is simple to use and effective. Be sure to follow the instructions on the back side of the bottle, and the solution will safely bring your favorite garments back to their original state with a fresh linen scent.


How Do You Prevent Clothes from Shrinking?


The best way to ensure your favorite clothes always fit perfectly is to prevent them from shrinking in the first place. Before we delve into how to unshrink clothes step-by-step, here are a few tips to prevent your garments from shrinking in the first place. Following this simple advice could save you a lot of time and headaches moving forward.

  • Each type of fabric and garment has its own set of care instructions, so always be sure to wash them accordingly. An easy way to accomplish this is to separate your laundry into different piles and organize your clothes according to the materials they contain. If possible, you will want to keep clothing composed of the same fabrics together to ensure consistency.
  • Agitation and heat are also big perpetrators when it comes to shrinking clothing. Subjecting your favorite garments and clothing to extremely high temperatures in the washing machine or dryer could cause them to shrink or stretch out of shape. Wherever possible, you should use cold water and tumble-dry settings when cleaning your clothes. If possible, try air-drying your laundry to avoid the heat altogether.


For more tips and tricks for around the house from your favorite Boston house cleaning team, check out our blog full of cleaning guides and DIYs. You can also browse all of our available cleaning services and book your appointment with us! We’re here to help you keep your home happy and healthy all year long.

The post Step-by-Step Guide on How to Unshrink Clothes appeared first on Cleanzen.

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