Tuesday 26 December 2023

How To Get Crayon Off Wall Without Damaging the Paint

How to Get Crayon Off Wall Cleanzen Infographic


Discovering that your child has turned one of your walls into a crayon-covered mural is never a pleasant experience. This unfortunate issue is common enough that many parents have already been through this rite of passage. They have struggled with the crayon removal process before finally finding a solution that works.


The good news is that you can learn from their trials and errors. You may assume that you would need to go through the messy, labor-intensive process of painting over the crayon marks. However, this is not usually the easiest or the most effective solution.


While waxy crayon marks may seem to be stuck permanently on your walls, this is not the case. Several solutions can easily remove all traces of the crayon marks and deliver the pristine results that you need.


How to Get Crayons Off The Wall


Water & Liquid Dish Soap

Woman pouring dishwashing detergent on white background

What can’t good old-fashioned soap and water do? Just wet a microfiber rag, wring it out, and suds it up with a couple of drops of gentle dish soap, like Dawn. Be careful not to get the wall too wet and damage the paint. Take it slow and easy, rubbing firmly but gently. Rinse and wring out the rag occasionally, so you’re not just smearing the crayon around.


Magic Eraser


Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are awesome to erase crayon from walls (and, well, pretty much everything from anything!). Ideally, you catch the crayon when it’s fresh, which will make it easier to get rid of.


Simply wet the eraser and give it a good squeeze to get rid of any excess water and to activate its cleaning agents. Rub it firmly along the crayon marks until it disappear. Boom! Crayon no more. (Would you believe us if we told you it also works on pencil marks and permanent marker?!)


Baking Soda


Both baking soda and baking soda products, such as non-gel toothpaste, can be used to fully remove crayon marks from drywall. If you choose to use plain baking soda, mix enough water with the baking soda so that it makes a thick paste. Using your clean toothbrush or a clean, damp rag, rub the baking soda paste onto the crayon marks.

box of baking soda and red toothbrush

If you use a baking soda toothpaste product as an alternative, you will use the same process. As is the case with the white vinegar method, you must rinse off the work area and dry it thoroughly after you have finished scrubbing off the crayon.


All Purpose Cleaner


Everyday household products, like all-purpose cleaner, can work pretty well as a crayon eraser. Simply apply a small amount of product to an old toothbrush, and scrub the spot. Next, wipe the area clean with a damp cloth. You may need to try a combination of methods to entirely remove the marks.


If you have fancy wall treatments, test the product in an inconspicuous area before attacking the crayon marks. Certain paints or wallpapers may discolor.




The acetic acid in white vinegar can decompose the crayon pigment and wax quickly. However, before splashing the crayon marks with white vinegar, you should understand that this removal method is not safe or effective for cleaning all types of wall surfaces.


Whether you decide to use white vinegar or any other products or solutions mentioned here, our recommendation is to always test a small area before applying it to the entire area of concern to avoid causing damage.


To use the white vinegar method for crayon mark removal, dilute the vinegar with warm water in a small bowl. Dip the bristles of a clean toothbrush in the solution. Gently yet firmly scrub the crayon marks with the toothbrush and the vinegar solution. Once all of the crayons are removed, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe off any remaining vinegar and crayon remnants.




To remove crayon marks from walls using mayonnaise, apply a thin layer of mayo on the stains, let it sit for 5-10 minutes, then gently wipe with a cloth or sponge. Clean any residue with a mild soap solution, pat the wall dry, and inspect for remaining marks, repeating if necessary. Test in an inconspicuous area first and be gentle to avoid paint damage.




If you are concerned about damaging your paint or wallpaper with the application of any of these ingredients, one final solution is available. To prepare for this method, mix a bowl of very hot water with a few drops of liquid dish soap. Then, turn a hair blow dryer on the lowest setting. Point the hot air at the waxy crayon marks.

White Hair Dryer on white background

Once the crayon wax is warm enough that it begins to melt, use a clean cloth dipped in the soapy water to wipe away the wax. You may need to repeat this process several times. Be sure to keep the hairdryer away from the water. After the wax is completely removed, use another clean cloth to dry off the surface area.




How do you get Crayola marker off the wall?

Wipe all stains with a damp sponge. If any stain remains, apply Soft Scrub with a dampen sponge, work in a circular motion and rinse. If the stain remains, saturate a cotton ball with alcohol and blot the stain then rinse.


Can toothpaste remove crayon from walls?

No need to repaint. Just grab some toothpaste and gently apply it using a toothbrush to the crayon. Scrub gently, then wipe with a clean, damp cloth.


Can you paint over crayon marks on a wall?

Using paint alone will not work to cover crayon marks because once the paint dries – even if you have applied layers and layers of paint over the crayon – the crayon wax will displace the paint and appear again.


For more cleaning tips and tricks, check out our blog full of cleaning guides and DIYs. If you’re looking for a quality Boston apartment cleaning service, be sure to browse our variety of services and contact us to book yours. We’re here to help you keep your home happy and healthy all year long!


The post How To Get Crayon Off Wall Without Damaging the Paint appeared first on Cleanzen.

from Cleanzen https://cleanzen.com/blog/how-to-get-crayon-off-wall/

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