Monday 4 December 2023

How To Clean Walls With Flat Paint

How to Clean Walls with Flat Paint Cleanzen Infographic


Over time, your home’s walls can become discolored and dingy. Everything from greasy smudges to scuffs and more can cover the walls. When present, these discolorations and marks can dramatically impact décor and ambiance.


Even after the rest of your home is thoroughly cleaned, space may still look dirty because of the walls. While you may be able to wipe away some of the filth with a damp cloth, you will need to take special steps to fully remove all of the grime without damaging your flat paint walls.



How to Determine if You Have Flat Finish Walls


First, different paint finishes demand different cleaning techniques, so it’s important to make sure you actually have flat paint on your walls before you use this guide. If you painted the walls yourself, you probably know what kind of paint you used. If not, shine a light on the wall at an angle toward you and use the tips below to determine if you have flat paint:

  • If you just see the wall lighten and you don’t see a concentrated glow or the outline of the light source, then you probably have flat paint.
  • If you see a concentrated glow on the wall but can’t make out the shape of the light source, you likely have paint with an eggshell or satin finish.
  • If you can make out the shape of the light source relatively clearly, you more likely have a gloss finish on your walls.





How Often to Clean Flat Painted Walls


Walls with flat paint should be dusted at least monthly to remove loose soil and cobwebs. Smudges and dirt around light switches should be wiped away gently each week before they become more deeply embedded since flat paint doesn’t hold up well under vigorous scrubbing. Clean up any food and beverage splatters and stray crayon or pencil marks as soon as possible. Because flat paint is not durable, washing the walls thoroughly should be done only once a year or before repainting.


How to Clean Flat Paint Walls


Prep the Room

  • Remove artwork from the walls. It’s a good time to dust and clean it, as well.
  • Move the furniture away from the walls so you have room to set up a ladder.
  • Place tarps on the floor to catch falling dust and drips.


Banish Dust and Cobwebs

  • Start at the top of the wall and use a duster or vacuum with an upholstery brush to remove dust and cobwebs.
  • Standing on a sturdy ladder, work in a grid so you won’t miss any areas.
  • Change the head of a disposable microfiber duster as it becomes heavily soiled to prevent redepositing dust.


Start with the Most Gentle Cleaning Solution


How to Clean Flat Paint Walls Cleanzen Image of a Hand Wiping Walls with Microfiber


  • Whether you are cleaning a small area or washing the entire wall, always start with the most gentle cleaning method—plain warm water.
  • Fill a bucket with warm water.
  • Dip a lint-free microfiber cloth in the water and wring until it is not dripping,
  • Start at the top of the wall or the area to be cleaned and wipe gently. The subtle texture of the microfiber will help loosen the dirt.
  • Rinse the cloth frequently and change the water as it becomes soiled.


Up Your Flat Paint Cleaning Game

  • If water didn’t remove all of the dirt, mix a solution of 1 quart of warm water, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, and one-half cup of distilled white vinegar.
  • Fill a second bucket with clean water.
  • Dip a microfiber cloth in the soapy solution and gently scrub heavily soiled areas.
  • Rinse away the soapy residue by using a second cloth dipped in the clean water.


This same solution and cleaning method can be used to clean the walls if they are heavily soiled with soot, smoke, or greasy residue.


Tackle Tough Scuffs

  • If smudges and scuffs don’t budge, fold your dampened microfiber cloth into a square and sprinkle it with some baking soda.
  • Gently scrub the dirty area. Rinse by wiping away the residue with a clean damp cloth.
  • For the worst problems and as a last resort, dampen a melamine sponge with water and gently rub the stained area.
  • If you see the paint color transferred to the sponge, stop. The sponge is too harsh for the finish and you’ll have a shiny spot on the wall or missing paint.


Removing Scuff Marks from Flat Paint Walls


How to Clean Flat Paint Walls Cleanzen Image of a Hand Washing Walls


Now that you’ve mastered cleaning flat finish walls, it’s time to step up your game. Removing scuff marks from matte finish walls can be a delicate task that requires some special care to avoid damaging the finish. Matte paint finishes are known for their smooth and non-reflective appearance, but they are also more prone to scuff marks and stains.


When cleaning flat white paint walls, with a matte finish, start by gently dusting the affected area with a soft, dry cloth to remove dirt and debris. Use a mild detergent or dish soap mixed with warm water on a damp cloth or sponge. Gently rub the scuff mark with the soapy solution using a circular motion. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as it can cause the paint finish to fade or leave a noticeable shiny spot on the wall.


If the scuff mark or stain persists, you can try using a melamine foam sponge. Dampen the sponge with water and gently rub the area, using a circular motion again. The melamine foam is mildly abrasive and can effectively lift stubborn marks off the wall without damaging the paint. However, always test any cleaning method on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t negatively affect the paint finish. After removing the marks, rinse the area with clean water and gently pat it dry with a soft cloth. If the mark is still visible, you may need to repaint the affected area.


Remove Crayon from Flat Painted Walls

Kids love to draw and color, and sometimes their artistic talent makes its way to the wall. To get those crayon markings off the wall, don’t despair, as there are a few options to remove it and make your wall pristine again.

  • Blow Dryer: Heat up the markings with a blow dryer, then wipe with a microfiber cloth or paper towel that has a little dish soap on it.
  • Magic Eraser: Use a non toxic cleaning eraser, rubbing lightly so as not to rub off the paint. Test an inconspicuous spot first.
  • WD-40: Spray a little WD-40 on a cloth or paper towel and wipe off the crayon markings. After removing the crayon, wash the oily residue off the wall.
  • Mayonnaise: Rub some mayo on the crayon marks and let sit for a few minutes, then wipe off with a damp cloth.
  • Toothpaste: This remedy will only work using non-gel toothpaste. Put the toothpaste on the markings and scrub with a rag or scrub brush, then use a damp cloth to clean off the wall.




Can you wash walls that have flat paint?

You’re better off using a light hand, some water, and a small amount of liquid dish soap or vinegar to clean walls with flat paint. If you have mold growth on your walls with flat paint, then a professional cleaner may use bleach, but you’ll almost certainly have to repaint your walls afterward.


Is flat paint hard to clean?

Flat paints can be hard to clean since their porous texture can trap dirt and grime. And since flat paint doesn’t resist water like glossier paint does, cleaning it may leave behind unwanted streaks that can make an already dirty wall seem even worse.


How do you protect flat paint on walls?

Prevention is a great way to maintain the beauty of your flat and matte finish walls. Take precautions to avoid scuffs and marks by using furniture pads, being mindful when moving objects, and regularly cleaning the walls with a soft cloth or duster.


What is best to use to clean painted walls?

The best way to clean walls without damaging paint is by using a soft-bristled vacuum cleaner attachment to remove dust and debris and then wiping them down with warm water and a soft cloth.


For more cleaning tips and tricks for around the house, check out our blog to browse our wide range of guides and articles. If you’re in need of some professional help when it comes to any cleaning project around the house, we’ve got you covered! Contact our cleaning service in Boston today to book your services and start working toward a healthier and happier home!

The post How To Clean Walls With Flat Paint appeared first on Cleanzen.

from Cleanzen

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